Respectful Exits is fighting hard to ensure that aging workers, semi-retirees and retirees can work longer and live out their longer lives securely. We pursue our long-term Longevity Agenda by bringing together the powerful voices and coordinated actions of millions of older Americans.
We vote in massive numbers, we spend trillions, we are essential caregivers – and yet our needs are neglected. Building an active force that rewards our decades of contributions requires even greater contributions of time, energy and financial support.
Your one-time or annual support will fuel our ongoing campaigns to transform the workplace, build new communities and strengthen Social Security. Whether your goal is to extend productive careers, develop mutual support groups or enhance Social Security payments, your support will make it all possible.
Your investment in Respectful Exits can be the best financial decision you make this year. Please don’t hesitate – and tell your friends to follow your lead.