The Power of an Age-Inclusive
Fall, 2022

Tens of millions of your workers are aging and exiting the workplace at unprecedented rates. The facts are stark and challenge today’s models of careers and retirement:
- Labor markets face low birth rates and severe skill challenges
- 55-plus is the fastest growing segment of the workforce (25% by 2024)
- Retirees leave with hard-to-replace knowledge, experience and skills
- 64% of workers age 50-64 hope to work longer and ease into retirement
- Less than 5% of employers offer phased retirement
The Business Opportunity
Today’s innovative employers can stay ahead of the curve by re–designing the trajectory of work and retirement. With modest changes they can retain proven talent, attract knowledgeable and experienced staff and achieve significant return on minor investments.
You can join such pioneering firms at the Aging Workforce Conference to take away:
- Examples of a broad range of practices that your firm can modify and apply immediately
- Compelling documentation of successes achieved by these pioneers
- Follow-on collateral material summarizing each initiative and guides to implementation
The Agenda
8:00-8:45 Coffee and Conversations
8:45-9:00 Corporate host welcoming remarks
9:00-9:30 Issue Overview: Potential of New Longevity for Business and Society Dr. Kathleen Christensen, former Director, Working Longer Program, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
9:30-10:00 The Way Forward: Introducing the Employer “Longevity Agenda” Paul Rupert, Founder and CEO, Respectful Exits
10:00-12:15 Case Studies on Pioneering Best Practices: Practitioner Panels, Discussion – Proven age-inclusive initiatives presented by innovative employers
- Extending Careers
- Manufacturer: Modifying work processes
- Investment Bank: Off-ramp/on-ramp systems
- Medical Services: Role transformation
- Career-long Development
- Services: Inclusive training requirements
- Technology: Tuition subsidies
- Finance: Education breaks
- Robust Flexibility
- Technology: Fully remote
- Pharmaceutical: All options all the time
- Hospital: On-demand scheduling
12:15-12:30 Break
12:30-1:30 Lunch & Keynote: Trends in Age Discrimination Enforcement Cathy Ventrell-Monsees, Senior Advisor, Equal Employment Opportunities Commission
1:30-3:00 Case Studies II: Practitioner Panels, Discussion
- Financial Guidance
- Pharmaceutical: Annual individual counseling
- Entertainment: Regular financial seminars
- Media: 401k match and advisory service
- Flexible Retirement
- Biotech: Phased retirement
- Manufacturer: Flexible and phased retirement
- Hospital: Phased retirement with job sharing
3:00-4:00 Q&A, Wrap-up Discussion
4:00-4:30 Aging Workers: The Next Frontier for Diversity & Inclusion Rohini Anand, Global Chief Diversity Officer, Sodexo
[Agenda as of 6/1/2021, subject to change]
Who Should Attend?
Company decision-makers who are just beginning to examine possible solutions should not miss this gathering of thought leaders and early adopters. Attendees should include those responsible for long-term organizational and talent strategy, from the C-suite and key Vice Presidents to Human Resource professionals including Talent Management, Learning & Development and Succession Planners.